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2018 Show Submission Time!

Do you have a one act, play or small musical you've always been itching to put on?
We're open to original new works and copyrighted works.
ETC, Inc. recently finished out a successful Evening of Original One Acts at MUCCC and are now looking forward to finishing out our 2017 season w/our Fringe submission of:
"Oprah Made Me Do It"
and a one act favorite revival of
"Moon Over Gomorrah" also at MUCCC.....
so -whether you're a director or a playwright or both! - please do consider submitting a show proposal for our 2018 season!
Again - 1 acts, full length plays, and/or a small musical - original or copyrighted are being considered now.....come on - think hard - isn't there a show you'd LOVE to see on the stage that NOBODY is doing??
Even if you are not interested for next year - please think of us for a future show submission.
Please contact us at
Thank you!