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Audition Info for An Evening of One Acts!

It is with great pleasure that Everyone's Theatre Company, Inc. announces its line-up for this year's An Evening of One Acts. Auditions will be held on Monday Feb 12th and Tuesday Feb 13th at Evangelical Reformation Lutheran Church downtown Rochester at 111 N Chestnut Street, Rochester, NY 14604 - Check-in is at 6:30pm w/auditions to begin promptly at 7pm.
Readings will be provided.
ETC is absolutely thrilled to give these plays the opportunity to be seen on the stage here in Rochester and we look forward to our continued success performing at MUCCC.
Rehearsals will begin on Monday Feb 26th and run twice a week (Mon/Thurs) or at discretion of director working w/cast.
An Evening of One Acts, will be performed at MuCCC, May 3,4,5 and 6th
The 1 acts presented will be:
The Scent of Avarice - Written by Justin Rielly, directed by Sue Zuris
A popular male model is discussing his future plans with his agent, but when he shares the next product he wants to endorse – plus his true intentions – the agent has serious doubts.
Cast: Angus Milton (an actor-model) 20s – early 30s, male, very good looking Margot Franklin (an agent) 30s – early 50s, female
Hope on the Rocks - Written by Jared Lee Morgan, directed by Sue Zuris
Two characters begin to perform a short play. Then, one of them breaks character and shit gets real…
Cast: Keith (a “regular guy” type) 30s, male Hope (a waitress) 20s – 30s, female
HAPPENSTANCE ON THE BEACH - Written and Directed by Justin Rielly
On the eve of graduation, two high school seniors connect at a beach party - but past moments between them bring the seniors to question how their lives have gone.
Cast: Emerson Jones, high school valedictorian, 18 (teens to early 20s) Julia Lovelady, a popular high school student and jock, 18 (teens to early 20s)
S.S.F.P - written by Byron Wilmot - directed by Deb Tompkins.
A man and a woman attend an event and have 2 totally different perspectives about what is actually going on. What could possibly go wrong?
Cast: -1 man and 1 woman, of any age
How He Lied to Her Husband - written by George Bernard Shaw - directed by Charles Palella
HE is having an affair with SHE, but HE is young and has written some indiscreet love letter which fall into the wrong hands. Now HE has some explaining to do to HER HUSBAND.
Cast: HE: male, young, late teens to early 20s SHE: female, older that HE, 30s-40s, older would be fine too HER HUSBAND: male, older, 30s-40s, older would be fine too